
Ananda Bhai:

Passionate yoga instructor since 2015, initiated into an ancient yogic lineage by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati in February 2016. Currently deeply immersed in the spiritual studies of Hindu philosophy, tantra, and goddess worship at the Ramakrishna Seminary of Kali Mandir. This spiritual journey informs my renowned ability to craft transformative creative flows, integrating breath-to-movement, mantras, and fluid sequences. Dedicated to empowering students on a profound spiritual path that harmonizes mind, body, and spirit.

Level 1-2:

These classes build greater strength, flexibility, and stamina, while still providing thorough instruction and options. Students will be exposed to subtler concepts within the practice, stronger and more challenging flow sequences, and begin learning more advanced poses including basic arm balances, backbends and inversions.